Join Us

My job is to help you achieve your career goals and aspirations.
To the best extent possible, my duty is to ensure that when you leave the lab you
are in a better position than when you joined the lab.

We have openings for PhD students, bioinformatics research assistants / computational biologists, and post-doctoral fellows. Details about these openings can be found below. For junior members (i.e. PhD students/research assistants/masters students/undergraduate students), a computational background is not absolutely required. If you are interested in our work, please just reach out.

If you are interested in our mission to understand how somatic mutations drive cancer and other aging associated disorders, or in our work to develop better RNA therapeutics, through computational genomics and bioinformatics approaches, please contact me directly at with your CV.

We are also open to other computational genomics related projects that you may wish to propose. Just reach out directly to me and we can discuss further.

For more information for each of the roles, please refer to the following links:

PhD students
Bioinformatics Research Assistants | Computational Biologists
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Undergraduates/Masters students